年長の子どものための親子相互交流療法(PCIT) PCIT for Older Children
-Katherine Gibson, PsyD, ABPP
Parent and Child Psychological Services and Kurtz Psychology Consulting PC
-Robin Han, MSEd
West Virginia University
-Tara Motzenbecker, MS, NCSP
Parent and Child Psychological Services
-Cheryl B McNeil, PhD
West Virginia University
日程:2022年2月19日(土) 9:00AM-12:00PM (3時間:実施後1か月のオンデマンド配信あり)
会場:Zoom ウェビナー
司会:加茂登志子(日本PCIT研修センター) Toshiko Kamo (Japan PCIT Training Center)
日本語通訳(逐語):国弘志保 Japanese Translator: Shiho Kunihiro
申し込み先:Peatix https://peatix.com/sales/event/3147582/tickets

Special Lecture: PCIT for Older Children
-Katherine Gibson, PsyD, ABPP
Parent and Child Psychological Services and Kurtz Psychology Consulting PC
-Robin Han, MSEd
West Virginia University
-Tara Motzenbecker, MS, NCSP
Parent and Child Psychological Services
-Cheryl B McNeil, PhD
West Virginia University
Date:Feb 19, 2022 9:00AM-12:00PM(Tokyo) (3 hours work shop:On-demand streaming available for one month after the lecture)
Site:Zoom webiner
Moderator: Toshiko Kamo (Japan PCIT Training Center)
Interpreter: Shiho Kunihiro (consecutive translation: English ➡ Japanese)
Registration: https://peatix.com/sales/event/3147582/tickets
Fee: 7,000 yen
What do you do when children seem to have outgrown traditional PCIT? For children with behavior problems who would normally benefit from PCIT but are too big to carry to time-out or are too mature to enjoy the high rate of PRIDE skills and positive attention that young children love, there is an adaptation for older children that is proving helpful in these cases. This presentation will discuss factors to consider when deciding whether to use an older child adaptation for PCIT. The structure of the older child adaptation will be discussed with respect to how it is similar to traditional PCIT and how it differs. Participants will learn about the following key skills needed to implement this adaptation: CDI coding changes, conducting child check-ins, and learning the steps in the 3 PDI modules and their corresponding scripts. This workshop will provide participants exposure to the manual and handouts that have been created for this adaptation.