For Your Best Coaching PCITers待望のテーマです!
講師:Elizabeth Brestan-Knight先生 (オーバーン大学臨床心理学科教授 PCIT International Global Trainer )
日程:2021年10月13日(水) 20:00-22:00
Elizabeth Brestan-Knight教授のご紹介
フロリダ大学で臨床・健康心理学の博士号を取得した後、オーバーン大学の心理科学科の教授として、過去22年間にわたり教鞭をとってこられました。オーバーン大学では2つの教授職を持ち、その教育でいくつかの賞を受賞し、学科の共同議長や学部プログラムのディレクターを務めてきました。 Elizabeth先生は、書籍の数多くの章や記事を執筆し、Wiley-Blackwell社から「A Guide to Teaching Developmental Psychology」も出版しています。また、オーバーン大学親子研究室のディレクターとして、PCITトレーニングワークショップとPCIT治療の忠実性を評価する研究チームを率いています。最近のプロジェクトでは、セラピーに使用する人工知能プログラムの開発や、既存のPCITクリニックのプログラム評価なども行っています。そして、Elizabeth先生は、日本のPCITの歴史にはなくてはならない人です。2012年にSheila Eyberg先生とともに初来日なさって以来、日本のPCITの実践と普及に常にかかわって下さっています。
Special Lecture: What Should PCIT Therapists Say? The Essential Elements of PCIT Therapist Coaching
This presentation will provide an overview of successful therapist coaching statements, the types of coaching needed for various parenting styles, and a summary of recent PCIT coaching research
Lecturer:Prof.Elizabeth Brestan-Knight(Auburn University)
Panelists: Menbers of Kyushu conference of PCIT&CARE
Site: Zoom
Moderator: Toshiko Kamo (Japan PCIT Training Center)
Interpreter: Shiho Kunihiro (consecutive translation: English ➡ Japanese)
Fee: 5,000 yen
Elizabeth Brestan-Knight, PhD., doctorate in clinical and health psychology from the University of Florida, is a professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Auburn University, where she has been a faculty member for the past 22 years. She has held two professorships at Auburn, won several awards for her teaching, and served as the department co-chair and undergraduate program director. Dr. Brestan-Knight has authored numerous chapters and articles as well as a book published by Wiley-Blackwell, A Guide to Teaching Developmental Psychology. She is the director of the Parent-Child Research Lab at Auburn where her research team evaluates PCIT training workshops and PCIT treatment fidelity. Recent projects have also included the development of an artificial intelligence program for use in therapy and program evaluation for established PCIT clinics.
Brestan-Knight has conducted training focusing on the dissemination and implementation of PCIT to front-line mental health therapists across the US (Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Washington DC, Wisconsin) and internationally (Japan, Lebanon, Norway, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea). As a PCIT International Global Trainer, Brestan-Knight maintains ties with these wonderful professionals and provides ongoing consultation to help them establish their own successful PCIT clinics.